The Illinoisans for Growth and Opportunity (IllinoisGO) political organization has ceased operations, according to a Saturday announcement.
The group had been established to "defend Democratic lawmakers who have demonstrated support for the difficult, yet responsible, choices our state government needs and protect lawmakers from special interest attacks that may result."
It was active during the March primary, with much of its attention placed on backing Ken Dunkin's ultimately unsuccessful re-election campaign in the 5th Illinois House district.
"Our purpose was to raise public awareness of and engagement in critical public policy debates," reads a statement from IllinoisGO. "We were driven by a fundamental belief, grounded in progressive principles, that if government is to be an agent for change and equal opportunity, it must operate efficiently in order to maintain public trust and confidence. In Illinois, that trust and confidence has been deeply damaged. The IE [independent expenditure committee] intended to protect incumbent Democrats, in the primary and in the general elections, who take tough votes to help restore this trust. We are ending operations, as this did not occur."
IllinoisGO said it has shut down "both its C4 educational arm and independent expenditure committee."